
Chiropractic Care

Man holding back with medical illustration of x ray with pain
Chiropractic care is certainly the most underrated, yet the most powerful modalities of healthcare, offering permanent pain relief, reduction or elimination of many disease symptoms, and improvement of organ function without the need for medication or surgery.

Our unique approach to chiropractic care, called Chiropractic BioPhysics or CBP is unique in that it is a much more intricate and involved process, addressing the root cause of pain and disease for permanent results. Where conventional chiropractic only focuses on adjustments for temporary relief of pain, CBP concentrates on methodically correcting the spine and posture, alleviating pressure on vital nerves, and in the process, eliminating chronic pain, disease, and rejuvenating vital organs that were otherwise deprived on critical nerve flow energy.

Your health is directly related to your spine’s health. In other words, if your spine is in distress, it will manifest as either pain, discomfort or disease. This distress can be caused by something significant such as an accident or fall, or due to a variety of more more insignificant daily activities such as lifting, poor sleeping habits, or even texting. Whatever the cause may be, your misaligned spine is putting pressure on your delicate nerves around the clock, day after day, month after month. At one point, your body will begin to fail, inviting disease, promoting vital organ dysfunction, and of course, leading to pain.

The only way to correct spinal misalignments and promoting correct nerve flow isn’t through taking pain medication as prescribed by most medical doctors, or going under the knife for risky and painful surgery, rather through calculated chiropractic adjustments, traction and decompression — slowly realigning your spine into shape, and in the process, taking pressure off of these critical nerves.

Contact us today for your free initial chiropractic consultation to learn if CBP is right for you.

Google Reviewed Chiropractic Clinic
Chiropractic BioPhysics Trained Chiropractor
Yelp Reviewed Chiropractic Clinic

Free Consultation

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Please call during our business hours, or use the form below.
Man holding back with medical illustration of x ray with pain


While regular chiropractic may alleviate pain temporarily, the correct approach to permanent relief is through Chiropractic BioPhysics.

man breathing in, wellness


Functional medicine is personally tailored medicine. It deals with primary prevention and underlying causes of chronic disease rather than masking symptoms.

woman holding tape measure to waist

Weight Loss

Poor willpower is NOT necessarily what drives you to overeat junk food. We can help change your lifestyle habits and address your weight naturally.

Chiropractor Near Me

Conditions Treated

At Natural Medicine and Chiropractic Specialties in Cumming, GA we have treated thousands of patients suffering from a wide range of health issues and conditions. We may be able to help you too.

  • Back and Neck Pain

  • Headache / Migraines

  • Scoliosis

  • Postural Deformities

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Acid Reflux / GERD

  • Asthma

  • Tingling / Numbness

  • Fatigue

  • Trouble Sleeping

  • Low Metabolism

  • Allergies

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Disc Herniation

Read Our Raving Reviews!

Natural Medicine
and Chiropractic Specialties
2450 Atlanta Highway #1601
Cumming, GA 30040

Monday9 AM - 1 PM 3 PM - 6 PM
Tuesday3 PM - 6 PM
Wednesday9 AM - 1 PM 3 PM - 6 PM
Thursday9 AM - 1 PM 3 PM - 6 PM